Army Organizational Chart Template

Army Organizational Chart Template

What Is an Army Organizational Chart?

An Army Organizational Chart is a visual diagram that establishes the army hierarchy by demonstrating the roles, obligations, and relationships between army personnel. This graphic will represent the internal structure of the military department or any army component. An Army Organizational Chart template can be downloaded below.

Anyone who looks at this chart will be able to see how the army is structured as a whole or how a particular unit works, how many levels are there in the hierarchy, and where each department, section, branch, or single service member fits into the system. Whether a service member only joined the army or was transferred from a different division, a visual tool that shows how the entire structure looks like will help them to remember the names, photos, and roles of every service member they answer to or lead.


Army Organizational Chart - What to Include

Follow these steps to prepare a U.S. Army Organizational Chart:

  1. Draft an organizational chart . It should look like a diagram with boxes, shapes, or pictures that represent different positions and individuals. You should use consistent colors and styling to make sure the layout looks good especially if you are composing this document for people in charge.
  2. It may be easier visually to create an organizational chart using online tools or software built for this purpose . If you distribute an electronic version of the chart among all service members, they may click on the department or rank that interests them, get the proper description of the duties of a particular position, and get contact details of the person included in the chart. Additionally, you may insert pictures of the most influential personnel accessible via one or two clicks.
  3. List all the units in the hierarchy - fireteams, squads, platoons, companies, battalions, brigades, regiments, divisions, corps, army groups. Note that the superior units should be on top - the chart will look like a pyramid.
  4. Indicate ranks and positions in the middle of boxes or shapes (you may use circles if you like) and link them to superior and inferior ranks using lines and arrows . Whether you need to represent the entire U.S. army in one graphic or your job is to focus on one military unit, the person looking at the chart must see who reports to whom and clearly recognize the subordination of one department to the other.
  5. It is possible to design a chart as a supplementary document to a more comprehensive army guide that details the personal profiles of servicemembers and elaborates on the duties covered by each squad, regiment, or company.
  6. Update the chart whenever necessary - you may confront a structural change that will force you to modify the entire chart, or include a new picture or description of someone's duties. Note that you should inform every relevant servicemember about the alterations to the chart and coordinate the revised chart before distributing it among the component members or the entire army personnel.

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