Travel Expense Report Template - Different Points

Travel Expense Report Template - Different Points

What Is a Travel Expense Report?

A Travel Expense Report is a document that is supposed to be used when employees are required to provide information about their business travel expenses to their employers. The purpose of the report is to collect and systematize information about the employee's travel for work purposes in order to get reimbursed.

Alternate Name:

  • Travel and Expense Report.

The report is supposed to be developed by the employer so that all of their employees can use it when they are required to. A Travel Expense Report template can be downloaded below.


How to Fill Out a Travel Expense Report?

Generally, a Travel Expense Report form consists of several parts that must be completed by the employee. These sections include the following:

  1. Information About the Employee . In the first part of the document, employees can designate their name, the name of the department where they work, their email, and employee ID (if applicable).
  2. Trip Details . Employees can use this section of the report to state the details of their trip. It can include the date when the trip has started, the date when the trip has ended, the total amount of trip days, and the purpose of the trip. If the trip was relatively short, the employer can include a part where the employee is supposed to break down their business trip in hours and indicate how they have spent them.
  3. Total Numbers . Here, employees are supposed to report the total numbers of expenses spent on transportation, lodging, meals, different fees, and everything else.
  4. Expense Break Down . Usually, this part of the document is presented in the form of a timetable that the employee must fill in. They must write in detail about each expense they have made. For example, if it is a transportation expense, they must provide the following detail: the origin point, the destination point, the type of transportation they used, and the date when it took place. If there is a lodging expense, then they must state the name of the place where they have stayed, and the dates for how long they have stayed in the designated place.
  5. Signature and Date . To confirm that everything stated in the form is true and correct, the individual must sign and date the report.
  6. The Approval . Some reports require the employee to receive the signature of their supervisor (or manager) for approval before they submit the document.

After the employee has completed their form, they are supposed to attach the original receipts that confirm their expenses. The Travel Expense Report and the attachments must be submitted to the accounting department or to the department that is responsible for processing reimbursements.

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