50 Hour Driving Log Sheet Template

50 Hour Driving Log Sheet Template

What Is a 50-Hour Driving Log Sheet?

A 50-Hour Driving Log is a written document used to track the hours and other significant details of supervised driving. Minors have to submit a 50-Hour Driving Log Sheet filled out and signed by their parents or guardians to confirm driving practice was monitored properly. The parent in question should complete an education program approved by the state and file a certificate along with the log to help the minor to obtain their first driver's license. A 50 Hour Driving Log template can be downloaded through the link below.

Alternatively, this statement can be prepared by the driving instructor if the family has decided to hire a professional mentor to help the teenager to take their first steps as a driver or any person who holds a valid driver's license and is able to ensure the car is safe for use.


How to Fill Out a Driving Log (50 Hours)?

Follow these steps to complete a 50-Hour Driving Log Sheet:

  1. Draft a table with seven columns . You can record the number of the driving session, the date and location, the number of minutes the person in question was driving, the total mileage, the setting (whether it was the day- or night-time), and the signature of the parent or guardian present at the session.
  2. Additionally, you may create a list of skills the young driver must practice, allocate numbers to them, and add one more column to the Driving Log Sheet to indicate which skills were practiced and how the driver managed to deal with all of them . For instance, you may record their successful attempt or failure to identify road signs, keep safe following distance, using turning lanes, and maintaining speed throughout the journey.
  3. Describe the driving environment . The young driver should be able to practice in cities, rural areas, and on multi-lane highways.
  4. Add several lines at the bottom of the page to certify the driver has completed fifty hours of driving practice . Check the requirements of your state and enter the number of hours the driver has practiced after sunset to comply with the local regulations. Add the insurance policy number in case you have decided to add the minor driver to your insurance.
  5. Confirm the Driving Log contains true and accurate statements that will be reviewed by the local department of motor vehicles . Sign and date the sheet and include your driver's license number to facilitate identification.

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