Surface / Subsurface Lease - Louisiana

Surface / Subsurface Lease - Louisiana

Surface/Subsurface Lease is a legal document that was released by the Louisiana Division of Administration - a government authority operating within Louisiana.


Q: What is a surface/subsurface lease?
A: A surface/subsurface lease is an agreement between the owner of the surface rights and the owner of the subsurface mineral rights, allowing the subsurface owner to access and extract minerals from the land while preserving the surface owner's rights.

Q: What is the purpose of a surface/subsurface lease?
A: The purpose of a surface/subsurface lease is to provide a legal framework for the extraction of minerals from the land while addressing the rights and responsibilities of both the surface owner and the subsurface owner.

Q: What are the key terms in a surface/subsurface lease?
A: Key terms in a surface/subsurface lease include the payment of royalties to the surface owner, access provisions for the subsurface owner, the restoration of the surface after mineral extraction, and liability provisions.

Q: How long does a surface/subsurface lease typically last?
A: The duration of a surface/subsurface lease can vary, but it is typically for a fixed term, such as 5, 10, or 20 years, with the potential for renewal.

Q: What are the rights of the surface owner in a surface/subsurface lease?
A: The surface owner usually retains the rights to use the land for non-mineral purposes, such as agriculture or residential purposes, subject to reasonable access and other provisions in the lease.

Q: What are the rights of the subsurface owner in a surface/subsurface lease?
A: The subsurface owner typically has the right to access and extract minerals from the land, subject to the payment of royalties and compliance with environmental and other regulations.


Form Details:

  • The latest edition currently provided by the Louisiana Division of Administration;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

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