Distribution of Judges' Retirement System (Jrs) Extended Service Incentive Program (Esip) - California

Distribution of Judges' Retirement System (Jrs) Extended Service Incentive Program (Esip) - California

Distribution of Judges' Retirement System (Jrs) Extended Service Incentive Program (Esip) is a legal document that was released by the California Public Employees' Retirement System - a government authority operating within California.


Q: What is the Judges' Retirement System (JRS)?
A: The Judges' Retirement System (JRS) is a retirement program for California judges.

Q: What is the Extended Service Incentive Program (ESIP)?
A: The Extended Service Incentive Program (ESIP) is a program that allows judges to receive additional retirement benefits for working beyond their regular retirement age.

Q: Who is eligible for the ESIP?
A: Judges who are members of the JRS and have reached their normal retirement age are eligible for the ESIP.

Q: What are the benefits of the ESIP?
A: The ESIP allows judges to receive an enhanced pension benefit, based on their service credits and compensation.

Q: How does the ESIP work?
A: Judges who choose to participate in the ESIP can work beyond their normal retirement age and receive additional retirement benefits.

Q: Is the ESIP mandatory for judges?
A: No, participation in the ESIP is voluntary for judges.

Q: How is the ESIP funded?
A: The ESIP is funded by contributions from participating judges and investment earnings from the JRS fund.

Q: Are there any limitations on participating in the ESIP?
A: Yes, judges can only participate in the ESIP for a maximum of five years.

Q: Can judges receive the ESIP benefits while working?
A: No, judges must fully retire before they can receive the ESIP benefits.


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  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

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  • Distribution of Judges' Retirement System (Jrs) Extended Service Incentive Program (Esip) - California


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  • Distribution of Judges Retirement System (Jrs) Extended Service Incentive Program (Esip) - California, Page 3
  • Distribution of Judges Retirement System (Jrs) Extended Service Incentive Program (Esip) - California, Page 4
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