Form 78W Certificate and Application for the Registration of a Place of Religious Worship for the Solemnization of Marriages Under SEC. 41 and / or SEC. 43a of the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English / Welsh)

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Form 78W Certificate and Application for the Registration of a Place of Religious Worship for the Solemnization of Marriages Under SEC. 41 and / or SEC. 43a of the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English / Welsh)

Form 78W Certificate and Application for the Registration of a Place of Religious Worship for the Solemnization of Marriages Under SEC. 41 and/or SEC. 43a of the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English/Welsh) is used to apply for the registration of a place of religious worship for the solemnization of marriages in the United Kingdom. It is required for religious organizations seeking permission to conduct legal marriages in their place of worship.


Q: What is Form 78W Certificate and Application used for?
A: Form 78W is used for the registration of a place of religious worship for the solemnization of marriages under SEC. 41 and/or SEC. 43a of the Marriage Act 1949.

Q: What is the Marriage Act 1949?
A: The Marriage Act 1949 is a law in the United Kingdom that governs the legal requirements and procedures for getting married.

Q: Who can use Form 78W?
A: Religious organizations can use Form 78W to register their place of worship for conducting marriages.

Q: What are SEC. 41 and SEC. 43a of the Marriage Act 1949?
A: SEC. 41 and SEC. 43a of the Marriage Act 1949 pertain to the solemnization of marriages in registered religious places of worship in the UK.

Q: Is Form 78W applicable only in English/Welsh?
A: Yes, Form 78W is applicable only in English/Welsh language as per the United Kingdom's regulations.


Download Form 78W Certificate and Application for the Registration of a Place of Religious Worship for the Solemnization of Marriages Under SEC. 41 and / or SEC. 43a of the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English / Welsh)

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  • Form 78W Certificate and Application for the Registration of a Place of Religious Worship for the Solemnization of Marriages Under SEC. 41 and/or SEC. 43a of the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English/Welsh)


  • Form 78W Certificate and Application for the Registration of a Place of Religious Worship for the Solemnization of Marriages Under SEC. 41 and/or SEC. 43a of the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English/Welsh), Page 2


  • Form 78W Certificate and Application for the Registration of a Place of Religious Worship for the Solemnization of Marriages Under SEC. 41 and/or SEC. 43a of the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English/Welsh), Page 3


  • Form 78W Certificate and Application for the Registration of a Place of Religious Worship for the Solemnization of Marriages Under SEC. 41 and / or SEC. 43a of the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English / Welsh), Page 1
  • Form 78W Certificate and Application for the Registration of a Place of Religious Worship for the Solemnization of Marriages Under SEC. 41 and / or SEC. 43a of the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English / Welsh), Page 2
  • Form 78W Certificate and Application for the Registration of a Place of Religious Worship for the Solemnization of Marriages Under SEC. 41 and / or SEC. 43a of the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English / Welsh), Page 3

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