Form 77AW Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English / Welsh)

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Form 77AW Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English / Welsh)


Q: What is Form 77AW used for?
A: Form 77AW is used to cancel the registration of a building for the solemnization of marriages of same-sex couples in the United Kingdom.

Q: Under which act is Form 77AW used?
A: Form 77AW is used pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 in the United Kingdom.

Q: Who can use Form 77AW?
A: The Form 77AW can be used by individuals or organizations that want to cancel the registration of a building for same-sex marriages in the UK.

Q: What does the cancellation mean?
A: The cancellation of the registration means that the building will no longer be recognized as a venue for solemnizing marriages of same-sex couples in the UK.

Q: In which languages is Form 77AW available?
A: Form 77AW is available in English and Welsh for use in the United Kingdom.


Download Form 77AW Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English / Welsh)

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  • Form 77AW Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English/Welsh)


  • Form 77AW Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English/Welsh), Page 2


  • Form 77AW Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English/Welsh), Page 3


  • Form 77AW Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English / Welsh), Page 1
  • Form 77AW Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English / Welsh), Page 2
  • Form 77AW Notice of the Cancellation of the Registration of a Building for the Solemnization of Marriages of Same Sex Couples Pursuant to the Marriage Act 1949 - United Kingdom (English / Welsh), Page 3