Q: What is Form SRG1169?
A: Form SRG1169 is the Examiner's Record - Fi(R)/Fi/Cri/Iri/Fic Authorisation Test/Check Schedules for Aeroplanes in United Kingdom.
Q: What is the purpose of Form SRG1169?
A: The purpose of Form SRG1169 is to record the details of the Fi(R)/Fi/Cri/Iri/Fic Authorisation Test/Check Schedules conducted for aeroplanes in the United Kingdom.
Q: What does Fi(R) stand for?
A: Fi(R) stands for Flight Instructor (Restricted) authorization.
Q: What does Fi stand for?
A: Fi stands for Flight Instructor authorization.
Q: What does Cri stand for?
A: Cri stands for Class Rating Instructor authorization.
Q: What does Iri stand for?
A: Iri stands for Instrument Rating Instructor authorization.
Q: What does Fic stand for?
A: Fic stands for Flight Instructor (Class Rating - Aeroplane) authorization.
Q: Who is required to fill out Form SRG1169?
A: Examiners conducting Fi(R)/Fi/Cri/Iri/Fic Authorisation Test/Check Schedules for aeroplanes in the United Kingdom are required to fill out Form SRG1169.