Approved Deviation From the Buy-Indian Act

Approved Deviation From the Buy-Indian Act

Approved Deviation From the Buy-Indian Act is a 3-page legal document that was released by the U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Indian Affairs on May 1, 2021 and used nation-wide.


Q: What is the Buy-Indian Act?
A: The Buy-Indian Act is a policy that promotes the purchase of goods and services from Indian-owned businesses.

Q: What is a deviation from the Buy-Indian Act?
A: A deviation from the Buy-Indian Act is an exception or special permission granted to procure goods or services from non-Indian sources.

Q: Why would a deviation from the Buy-Indian Act be approved?
A: A deviation may be approved if there are no Indian sources available, if the Indian sources cannot meet the required specifications, or if the cost is significantly higher with Indian sources.

Q: Who grants approvals for deviations from the Buy-Indian Act?
A: Approvals for deviations are granted by the appropriate authority within the organization or agency implementing the Buy-Indian Act.

Q: Are there any specific regulations or criteria for approving deviations?
A: Yes, there are specific regulations and criteria that must be followed when considering and approving deviations from the Buy-Indian Act.

Q: Is the approval process for deviations from the Buy-Indian Act transparent?
A: Yes, the approval process is typically transparent and should comply with established guidelines and procedures.

Q: What happens if a deviation from the Buy-Indian Act is not approved?
A: If a deviation is not approved, the procurement must follow the requirements of the Buy-Indian Act and seek qualified Indian sources for the goods or services.

Q: Are there any consequences for non-compliance with the Buy-Indian Act?
A: Yes, there may be consequences for non-compliance, including potential legal penalties or loss of government contracts.

Q: Is there any appeal process available if a deviation from the Buy-Indian Act is denied?
A: Yes, there may be an appeal process available for organizations or individuals whose requests for deviations have been denied.

Q: Is the Buy-Indian Act applicable only in certain regions or industries?
A: No, the Buy-Indian Act applies to all regions and industries within the jurisdiction where it is implemented.


Form Details:

  • The latest edition currently provided by the U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Indian Affairs;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more legal forms and templates provided by the issuing department.

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  • Approved Deviation From the Buy-Indian Act, Page 3