Child Travel Consent Form

Child Travel Consent Form

What Is a Child Travel Consent Form?

A Child Travel Consent Form grants an individual who is under 18 years old permission to travel alone, or in the company of one of their parents (legal guardians), or in the company of an individual (individuals) who are not their parents (legal guardians). The purpose of the document is to prove that a minor is legally allowed to travel in the ways or circumstances described above.

Alternate Names:

  • Child Consent Travel Form;
  • Child Consent Form to Travel.

Generally, this type of document can be used when children are traveling with their school or traveling group. Usually, this form is not required if a child is traveling with one of their parents internationally, however, border officials of different countries have different requirements for such kinds of cases, therefore, it is better to check with them in advance or obtain the form to avoid any misunderstanding. A Child Travel Consent Form template can be downloaded below.


How to Write a Child Travel Consent Form?

Writing a Child Travel Consent Form is an easy-going process. Before compiling the form you need to gather information about the child who is going to travel without one (or both) of their parents (or legal guardians), information about their parents (or legal guardians), and information about the travel itself. The form contains several parts, which can include the following:

  1. The Heading . Generally, all of the documents should start with a heading that will determine their content. It should be precise and short, like "Consent for Minor Children to Travel," or "Minor Travel Consent."
  2. The Date. Every legal document must include the date when it was issued. It will designate that its content is valid and current.
  3. Information About the Parents or Legal Guardians . Here you can designate the personal information of parents or legal guardians that are giving consent for the minor to travel without them. It can include their full name, date of birth, place of birth, etc.
  4. Information About the Child . This section of the form should identify the minor who is going to travel without one or both of his parents or legal guardians. Here, you can state their full name, date of birth, place of birth, international passport details (for international travels), and so on.
  5. Travel Details . In this part of the document, you are required to provide details about their trip. You can designate whether the minor will be traveling alone or with an individual or organization. If the minor is traveling with an individual or organization, then you should include their details as well. You can also state where they will be traveling, for how long, and what is the purpose of their trip.
  6. Signatures . At the end of the document, the parents or legal guardians that are giving consent for the minor to travel without them shall sign the document. It will verify their identity and the content of the form.
  7. Notary Public Authentification . A notarized Child Travel Consent Form shall include the part where the public notary will provide its authentification and details.

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