Sublease Agreement Template - Wisconsin

Sublease Agreement Template - Wisconsin

If you plan to leave residential real estate you have lived in or the commercial space you have used for your store or office but you would prefer to have an opportunity to return there one day, consider preparing a Wisconsin Sublease Agreement . This legal instrument will allow you to formalize the arrangement with a third party that will replace you as a tenant. Note that you should obtain the consent of your landlord before you start searching for a subtenant - either check the terms of the lease to see whether you have a right to sublet or ask the property owner for permission to do so, they may agree to sign the sublease with you.

Generally, the sublease contract identifies the parties by their names and contact information, specifies the location and the address of the real property, determines the duration of the agreement, lists rights and obligations of the subtenant, obliges them to pay rent, and explains which party will be financially responsible for renovations and repairs.

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