Sublease Agreement Template - Rhode Island

Sublease Agreement Template - Rhode Island

A Rhode Island Sublease Agreement is a written document that outlines the provisions of the arrangement between the tenant and the third party - an individual or a business - that replaces them to occupy the rented property. The original tenant may leave the premises or stay there and share the space with the subtenant - the rent and other contractual obligations will be shared as well. A sublease has to be approved by the landlord - either via the lease in advance or by agreeing to witness and sign the contract with the subtenant.

To make sure the sublease is legally binding and contains enough details to protect the parties in case either of them decides to dispute the agreement, you need to include the names and addresses of all counterparts, describe the real estate to be re-rented, explain how the landlord will receive the rent - directly from the subtenant or the tenant will act as an intermediary, write down the duration of the agreement, and specify which party will be responsible for dealing with general maintenance of the rental unit and occasional renovations.

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