Sublease Agreement Template - Oregon

Sublease Agreement Template - Oregon

Prepare an Oregon Sublease Agreement if you want to define the terms and conditions of the arrangement between you, the tenant, and the third party that will replace you with the permission of the landlord. Sometimes, the termination of the lease is not an option due to the financial standing of the parties or the tenant's willingness to return to the rental unit in several months or even years. In this case, you can find someone who will live in the residence you have rented for yourself and your family or work in the office space you have used before.

Make sure the landlord is aware of your plans - the lease must permit you to sublet or the sublease is formalized in the property owner's presence. A valid sublease will identify the parties, include the reference to the original lease, specify the property to be re-rented, indicate the duration of the sublease, and list the rights and obligations of the subtenant - generally, this part is copied from the lease but it is possible to agree the tenant remains responsible for the renovations and repairs of the real estate.

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