Sublease Agreement Template - North Dakota

Sublease Agreement Template - North Dakota

In case you are planning to close a store, move your office, or go to a different town leaving your current residence but for some reason, you cannot cancel the lease signed with the owner of the property or you believe you may need this contract in the future, it is recommended to draft a North Dakota Sublease Agreement . Read the text of the original lease to learn whether you have the right to look for and choose a third party - a person or an entity, depending on the type of property you rent at the moment.

If you do not have this term in your contract, reach out to the landlord to ask them about the sublease - they may like dealing with you as a tenant and agree to a sublease especially if you plan to continue living in or working from the rental unit in question. The sublease should identify the parties by their full names and contact details, indicate the address of the real property to be sublet, record the term of the sublease, and confirm the subtenant's preparedness to take over as the new tenant.

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