Sublease Agreement Template - Montana

Sublease Agreement Template - Montana

If you intend to move out of the rental unit you currently live or work in yet for some reason cannot or do not want to terminate the lease right away, consider drafting a Montana Sublease Agreement . This legal instrument will let you name a third party as the subtenant who will replace you as the person who resides in the premises or the company that occupies the commercial space.

Consult with your landlord before you start looking for a prospective subtenant - even if the lease allows you to take action and make your own choice, it may be a better idea to introduce the landlord and the subtenant before entering into any collateral contracts. The sublease should name the parties, refer to the real property in question, set a duration of the sublease (shorter than the lease or equal to it), describe how the landlord will receive their payments (directly from the subtenant or via a tenant as an intermediary), and determine who will have the obligation to pay for utilities and repairs of the real estate.

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