Sublease Agreement Template - Mississippi

Sublease Agreement Template - Mississippi

If you want to re-rent a commercial or residential real estate you occupy as a tenant you can do it with the help of a Mississippi Sublease Agreement. This document will name a third party, a person or a company, the subtenant - they will replace you and will bear the responsibility of paying rent to the landlord. Check the terms of the original lease to find out whether you are able to sublet the rental unit you currently live or work in - if there is no such clause, contact the property owner or manager and talk to them about this option, they may agree to the sublease if they do not want to cancel the lease.

Traditionally, a sublease contract records the address of the premises or commercial space to be sublet, states the duration of the agreement (it may be shorter or equal to the sublease), mentions the amount of money the subtenant must pay every month, and names the party that will deal with general maintenance of the rental unit, utilities, and repairs.

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