Sublease Agreement Template - Massachusetts

Sublease Agreement Template - Massachusetts

A Massachusetts Sublease Agreement is a legally binding contract signed by a tenant and the subtenant with the former party being replaced as the person who lives or the company that resides in the rental unit. If you believe you no longer can afford the lease or you are looking for another accommodation or office space, you can contact your landlord and ask them whether a sublease is possible - as long as you negotiate it, you may even return to the rented property in the future by making sure the sublease does not exceed the contract you signed in the first place. If they approve your request or if the approval was granted in advance in the text of the original lease, you can start looking for a third party.

Compose a sublease by identifying the people who sign it by names and contact details, specifying the legal address of the real estate, indicating the sublease duration, and explaining which party will have the financial burden of paying for utilities, improvements to the property, and general maintenance of the house, apartment, or commercial estate.

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