In case you are temporarily or permanently plan to leave the residential or commercial real estate you have rented yet the term of the lease has not expired yet, you have an option to prepare and sign a Maryland Sublease Agreement . As long as you have the consent of a landlord, you can find a third party who will replace you as a tenant and will be the one to provide the property owner or manager with rent until the lease is up or for a shorter period of time.
Whether the original contract offers this opportunity or the landlord agrees to it later, a valid sublease is typically finalized with the appropriate notification of the person or organization that owns the apartment, house, or office space. Make sure you include all key details in the sublease: the names of the parties, proper description of the rental unit and its legal address, duration of the sublease, and the responsibilities of the subtenant - they can pay the rent to the landlord directly while also being responsible for general upkeep and maintenance of the real estate.
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