Sublease Agreement Template - Kansas

Sublease Agreement Template - Kansas

If you plan to end your tenancy or move out of the rental unit temporarily, your landlord may ask you to find a replacement tenant and sign a Kansas Sublease Agreement . This document will make a third party - an individual or entity, it will depend on the property type - a subtenant responsible for regular rent payments directly to the owner of the real estate or through you as an intermediary.

Check the text of the original lease to find out whether you have an opportunity to sublet the apartment or commercial space or reach out to your landlord to discuss this option before you start looking for a subtenant because you have to decide which party will be responsible for general maintenance of the property and how long the sublease should last. A legally binding sublease will contain the identification of the parties, description of the real estate to be re-rented, a reference to the lease, the duration of the sublease, and the payment terms.

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