Sublease Agreement Template - Arizona

Sublease Agreement Template - Arizona

Whether you are unable to follow the conditions of the original lease or you are leaving your home for a while, consider signing an Arizona Sublease Agreement . This is a supplementary document that will help all counterparts prevent miscommunication, allow the landlord to receive the rent they are owed, and let the tenant keep the right to use the property in the future even if at the moment they cannot do so or do not need it for any personal reason should be negotiated and formalized with the permission of the original landlord.

You may consult the landlord separately asking them to add their name to the sublease contract or refer to the provision in the original lease that provides for the sublease as long as you inform the landlord about it in advance. To create a sublease, you have to indicate the names of all parties that sign the document, state the legal address of the residential or commercial property , determine who will pay for utilities and general maintenance of the premises, and establish liability for the damage caused by the subtenant.

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