Room Rental Agreement Template - Nine Points

Room Rental Agreement Template - Nine Points

What Is a Room Rental Agreement?

A Room Rental Agreement is a legal document that is used in situations where:

  1. A tenant would like to sublease a room or apartment they are renting to another individual.
  2. An individual would like to rent empty rooms in the apartment or house that they own.

The purpose of the document is to regulate the relationship between the involved parties during the period of the sublease. A printable Room Rental Agreement template can be downloaded via the link below.

Alternate Names:

  • Room Lease Agreement;
  • Room Rental Contract.

Generally, the party that provides the accommodation is called a "Landlord," while the party that stays on the premises is called a "Tenant." The agreement must have a specific timeframe, although if the landlord is not ready for a long-term commitment they can offer a potential tenant to sign a month-to-month Room Rental Agreement. This type of agreement can be canceled upon a written 30-Days Notice (unless otherwise stated in the document).


How to Write a Rental Agreement for a Room?

Before completing the contract, the landlord should check the applicable state law this agreement applies to and make sure the contract is made in accordance with it. A generic Room Rental Agreement should include the following parts:

  1. Information About the Parties. In the first part of the document, the parties should designate their names and the contract's subject. They should express their wish to enter into an agreement that will regulate the relationship between them while they are sharing a residence together.
  2. Description of the Property. Parties use this part of the contract to state information about the room they are going to rent, such as its full address, floor (if applicable), square footage, and other characteristics.
  3. Payments. Here the landlord should indicate the payments that are supposed to be made by the tenant, which includes the rent and the security deposit. The contract should provide the tenant with directions on when, how, and how much money is supposed to be transferred to the landlord.
  4. Rental Period. Landlords can use this section of the agreement to designate whether it is a long-term or a month-to-month rent.
  5. Terms and Conditions. This is the main part of the agreement which is supposed to list all of the rights and responsibilities of the parties. Here, they should describe all of the terms they must obey over the course of the rental period.
  6. House Rules. The landlord should precisely list all of the rules (behavioral stipulations) that the tenant is supposed to follow during the lease period. It can include information on whether the overnight guests are allowed, if the tenant can keep pets at the premises, whether smoking on the property is prohibited, etc.
  7. Utilities. If the tenant is supposed to pay utilities, the landlord should indicate what kind of utilities the tenant is required to cover, and what is their share of the bill (if several tenants are sharing the accommodation).
  8. Governing Law. Parties should specify the state whose laws will govern this agreement.

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