Warehouse Lease Agreement Template

Warehouse Lease Agreement Template

What Is a Warehouse Lease Agreement?

A Warehouse Lease Agreement is a document that can be signed when one party (a tenant) wants to lease a warehouse, and another party (a landlord) is willing to rent their warehouse to the tenant. The purpose of the document is to maintain a relationship between the involved parties and settle the main conditions of the warehouse lease. A printable Warehouse Lease Agreement template can be downloaded through the link below.

A Warehouse Lease Agreement has some particularities that are determined by the specifics of the warehouse. When entering the agreement, the parties should pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. The space of the warehouse is defined not only by square footage but by cubic footage as well. The contract should include both numbers to describe the volume capacity of the warehouse properly.
  2. The characteristics of the leasing space in the contract should contain the description of all its features that can have an influence on the stock that will be kept there. These features can include a description of the wiring, safety measures (alarms, security cameras, etc.), environment controls, and so on.
  3. Generally, a warehouse for lease is equipped with a loading dock for the convenience of the tenant. The agreement should depict the loading capacity of the dock and the transportation possibilities around it.

How to Write a Warehouse Lease Agreement?

A Warehouse Lease Agreement should feature the following information:

  1. Information About the Parties. The document should start with a title that will state its nature. The title should be followed by information about the parties, which can include their full names. This information is needed for identification purposes.
  2. Warehouse Description. Here, the landlord is supposed to provide a thorough description of the warehouse they are going to lease. It can include the location of the warehouse, its capacity, and other features.
  3. Lease Period. Parties can use this section of the agreement to designate whether it is a long-term or a short-term lease. In addition to this, they should state the date when it starts and when it ends, and whether the tenant will be offered a renewal option before the contract termination.
  4. Payment Details. The landlord is supposed to indicate the rent that the tenant is supposed to pay, when they are supposed to pay it, and the rent transfer details.
  5. Terms and Conditions. The contract can also include the rights of each party, the responsibilities of each party, and other terms and conditions that the parties have agreed on.
  6. Governing Law. Parties should mention the state law in accordance with which the agreement will be governed.
  7. Signatures. In the last part of the document, the parties should sign it. That way they will verify the information presented here is true and correct and that they are willing to follow the agreement to direct their relationship during the lease.

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