Billboard Lease Agreement Template

Billboard Lease Agreement Template

What Is a Billboard Lease Agreement?

If you are a real estate owner of billboard space, you will want to use a Billboard Lease Agreement every time an advertiser or company wishes to use the billboard space. Alternatively, you might be interested in building a billboard space on land and will need to work with the property owner on the terms of an agreement.

A printable Billboard Lease Agreement template can be downloaded through the link below. This agreement will outline all aspects of the billboard lease, such as the billboard lease rates and leasing conditions.


How to Write a Billboard Lease Agreement?

Make sure to include the following information when writing a Billboard Lease Agreement:

  1. The contact information of both parties involved in the billboard lease (the owner and the lessee).

  2. A description of the billboard, including the address where the billboard is located and the dimensions of the advertising space.

  3. The cost of rent for the billboard lease. You can set the expected rate payments on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis and when the rent will need to be paid. Include how the lessee will pay the property owner (such as by check or digital payment) and if a security deposit will be due at the time the Billboard Lease Agreement is signed. You will also want to include any additional provisions, such as grace periods, late fees, or charges for damages made by the lessee to the billboard property (that are beyond normal wear and tear of the space).

  4. Outline how the lessee is allowed to use billboard space and any restrictions for what the lessee is allowed to use the billboard for. For example, you can forbid the lessee from using the space to promote hate speech, slander, or other illicit activities and reserve the right to terminate the agreement if the lessee does not abide by the terms.

  5. Describe how the lessee will be able to access the property to maintain their advertisement and if the property manager will supply lighting and power to the billboard as part of the rental cost. The lessee will also have the right to use the space for the entirety of the length of the signed agreement.

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