I Just Think I'll Go Away (4 / 4 Time, Key of E) Chord Chart

I Just Think I'll Go Away (4 / 4 Time, Key of E) Chord Chart


Q: What is the time signature of this song?
A: The time signature is 4/4.

Q: What key is this song in?
A: This song is in the key of E.

Q: Is there a chord chart available for this song?
A: Yes, there is a chord chart available.

Q: Can you provide the chord chart for this song?
A: Unfortunately, I cannot provide the chord chart as a text-based AI system.


Download I Just Think I'll Go Away (4 / 4 Time, Key of E) Chord Chart

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  • Chord Chart for "I Just Think I'll Go Away" in 4/4 Time and Key of E_ALT