Form P28 Certificate of Resealing - British Columbia, Canada

Form P28 Certificate of Resealing - British Columbia, Canada

Form P28 Certificate of Resealing is used in British Columbia, Canada for the purpose of resealing a grant of probate or administration obtained in another jurisdiction. This allows the estate administration process to be recognized and enforced in British Columbia.

The form P28 Certificate of Resealing in British Columbia, Canada is typically filed by individuals or companies who need to have a foreign grant of probate or administration recognized and resealed in British Columbia.


Q: What is Form P28 Certificate of Resealing?
A: Form P28 Certificate of Resealing is a document used in British Columbia, Canada for resealing a foreign grant of probate or administration.

Q: When is Form P28 Certificate of Resealing used?
A: Form P28 Certificate of Resealing is used when someone has obtained a grant of probate or administration in a foreign jurisdiction and wants to have it recognized and enforced in British Columbia.

Q: Who can submit Form P28 Certificate of Resealing?
A: Form P28 Certificate of Resealing can be submitted by the executor or administrator of the estate who wants to have the foreign grant recognized in British Columbia.

Q: What documents need to be submitted with Form P28 Certificate of Resealing?
A: Along with Form P28 Certificate of Resealing, you need to submit certified copies of the foreign grant and the will, if any, and an affidavit of executor or administrator.

Q: What is the fee for submitting Form P28 Certificate of Resealing?
A: The fee for submitting Form P28 Certificate of Resealing is determined by the Supreme Court of British Columbia and may vary.

Q: How long does it take to process Form P28 Certificate of Resealing?
A: The processing time for Form P28 Certificate of Resealing can vary, but it typically takes several weeks.


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