Quitclaim Deed Form - Maine

Quitclaim Deed Form - Maine

A Maine Quitclaim Deed is a document that can be used when individuals want to sell or purchase real property. The Maine Revised Statutes offer individuals two statutory forms of a quitclaim deed: a quitclaim deed with the covenant (33 - §775(2); 33 - §765; 33 - §766) and a quitclaim deed without covenant (33 - §775(4)). Both of the forms shall include the names and the addresses of both parties, their marital status, the address and the description of real estate that is conveyed, the amount of the consideration paid, and other details. The difference is that in a quitclaim deed with covenant a grantor "grants" their property to the grantee and describes encumbrances if there are any, while in a quitclaim deed without covenant a grantor "releases" their property to the grantee without offering any warranty of title.

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