Child Care Authorization Letter Template

Child Care Authorization Letter Template

What Is a Child Care Authorization Letter?

A Child Care Authorization Letter is a written document completed by the parents or legal guardians of the child to grant a person they trust or sometimes an entire organization permission to take care of their child while they are unable to do so because of personal or professional obligations. Download a Child Care Authorization Letter template through the link below.

Whether you need to permit your neighbor to pick up the child from the daycare center or you are leaving for several weeks and would like to trust a family friend or relative to watch your kids, a document that confirms the caregiver has your consent to keep an eye on your children and determine their medical treatment is the proper way to show any interested party you have temporarily delegated your parental responsibilities.


How to Write a Child Care Authorization Letter?

Here is how you can draft a Letter of Authorization for child care:

  1. Address the recipient if necessary - if you know the only third party that may request permission, for example, a daycare center administration, you may salute them. Otherwise, you may add "To whom it may concern."
  2. Identify yourself, your child or children, and the individual or organization that will take care of the children - it will be enough to indicate the full names of all people involved.
  3. Confirm your intention to give a person or institution you trust permission to take care of your children.
  4. Outline the duties the temporary caregiver will be allowed to perform - for instance, they can drive your son or daughter to school, but they cannot go on a trip with your children. If you are going on vacation or have to be absent for several days or weeks for another reason, it is a good idea to provide the person you trust with authorization to make medical decisions on behalf of your children.
  5. State the duration of the authorization. It is recommended to prepare a temporary Child Care Authorization Letter to avoid misunderstandings and show the third party the limitations of permission.
  6. Record your contact information in case the recipient wants to verify the details in your statement and sign the document. You may notarize the letter; however, it will work just fine without a notary seal.

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