Request to Amend an Order - Ontario, Canada

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Request to Amend an Order - Ontario, Canada

A Request to Amend an Order in Ontario, Canada is typically used to ask the court to modify or change an existing court order. This can include amending the terms or conditions of a previous order related to child custody, visitation, support payments, or other issues.

In Ontario, Canada, the party wishing to amend an order typically files the request.


Q: What is a request to amend an order?
A: A request to amend an order is a formal application to change or modify a previously issued order by a court.

Q: What types of orders can be amended in Ontario, Canada?
A: Various types of orders, such as child custody and access orders, spousal support orders, and property division orders, can be amended in Ontario, Canada.

Q: What is the process to request an amendment to an order?
A: The process involves filing a motion to change with the court. It typically requires providing reasons for the requested amendment and supporting evidence.

Q: Who can request an amendment to an order?
A: Any party affected by the order, such as one of the ex-spouses in a divorce case, can request an amendment to an order.

Q: What factors does the court consider when deciding whether to grant the amendment?
A: The court considers various factors, including the best interests of the child (if applicable) and any significant changes in circumstances since the original order was made.


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