Form 11314 Adoption Information Disclosure Application to Register or Withdraw a Notice of Contact Preference - Ontario, Canada

Form 11314 Adoption Information Disclosure Application to Register or Withdraw a Notice of Contact Preference - Ontario, Canada

Form 11314 Adoption Information Disclosure Application to Register or Withdraw a Notice of Contact Preference in Ontario, Canada is used to request or withdraw contact preferences for individuals involved in an adoption.

In Ontario, Canada, the individual who wants to register or withdraw a Notice of Contact Preference files the Form 11314 Adoption Information Disclosure Application.


Q: What is Form 11314?
A: Form 11314 is the Adoption Information Disclosure Application to Register or Withdraw a Notice of Contact Preference in Ontario, Canada.

Q: What is the purpose of Form 11314?
A: The purpose of Form 11314 is to apply for or withdraw a Notice of Contact Preference for adoption information disclosure in Ontario, Canada.

Q: Who can use Form 11314?
A: Form 11314 can be used by individuals who were adopted in Ontario, Canada, or by birth parents, adult birth siblings, or other authorized persons.

Q: How do I fill out Form 11314?
A: To fill out Form 11314, you need to provide your personal information and indicate whether you are applying to register or withdraw a Notice of Contact Preference. You will also need to provide details about your adoption, such as the names of the birth parents and adoptive parents.

Q: Is there a fee for submitting Form 11314?
A: Yes, there is a fee for submitting Form 11314. The current fee can be obtained from the Adoption Disclosure Registrar's office.

Q: What happens after I submit Form 11314?
A: After you submit Form 11314, the Adoption Disclosure Registrar will review your application and may contact you for additional information. If your application is approved, your Notice of Contact Preference will be registered or withdrawn accordingly.


Download Form 11314 Adoption Information Disclosure Application to Register or Withdraw a Notice of Contact Preference - Ontario, Canada

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