Sample Solicitation Letter for Donations

Sample Solicitation Letter for Donations

A Solicitation Letter for Donations is a document that can be used when nonprofit organizations want to request charitable donations from individuals and businesses. The purpose of the letter is to convince the potential donor to make a charitable contribution for the cause stated in the request.

Alternate Name:

  • Donation Solicitation Letter.

This request is generally used by charitable organizations, schools, churches, and other entities that have donation programs. A Sample Solicitation Letter for Donations is available for download below.

A donation letter can also be used as an instrument to build a connection with a prospective donor. These donors tend to contribute to those goals that are relatable to themselves, which is why the sender of a Solicitation Letter for Donations should clearly state the charitable cause.


How to Write a Donation Solicitation Letter?

Writing a Donation Solicitation Letter is an easy-going process that in most circumstances does not require a lot of time. Some senders use one template for all of their potential donors, others like to individualize each of the requests they send. Both approaches are acceptable and the sender can stick with the one they find the most convenient. A Solicitation Letter for Donations can contain several parts, namely:

  1. Information About the Sender . In the first part of the document, the sender is required to provide their name, the name of the nonprofit entity they work for, and their address.
  2. Information About the Addressee . Here, the sender is required to provide the name of the person (or business) who is supposed to receive the donation letter, and their address.
  3. The Date . The sender must include in the letter the date when it was completed. It will show that the content of the letter is valid and current.
  4. Introduction . They can use this section of the document to introduce themselves and depict the nonprofit entity they represent. The description can include indications of the goals they are pursuing, their history, and their mission.
  5. Donation's Details . Here, senders are supposed to explain how the prospective contribution will help them. It can include information about how it will be used, who will benefit from it, or how it will help the nonprofit entity achieve its goals.
  6. Conclusion . At the end of the letter, the sender can thank the addressee for their time and express hopes to hear from them soon.
  7. Signature . To designate that everything stated in the letter is true and correct, the sender must sign it.

Haven't found the template you're looking for? Take a look at the related templates and samples below:

Download Sample Solicitation Letter for Donations

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  • Sample Solicitation Letter for Donations