Certificate of Cancellation of a Limited Liability Company - Delaware

Certificate of Cancellation of a Limited Liability Company - Delaware

Certificate of Cancellation of a Limited Liability Company is a legal document that was released by the Delaware Department of State - a government authority operating within Delaware.


Q: What is a Certificate of Cancellation?
A: A Certificate of Cancellation is a document that officially terminates the existence of a limited liability company (LLC) in Delaware.

Q: How do I obtain a Certificate of Cancellation for an LLC in Delaware?
A: To obtain a Certificate of Cancellation for an LLC in Delaware, you must file the necessary form with the Delaware Division of Corporations and pay the required fees.

Q: What information is required to file a Certificate of Cancellation for an LLC in Delaware?
A: The information required to file a Certificate of Cancellation for an LLC in Delaware typically includes the name of the LLC, the date of cancellation, and the signature of an authorized person.

Q: What happens after a Certificate of Cancellation is filed for an LLC in Delaware?
A: After a Certificate of Cancellation is filed for an LLC in Delaware, the LLC's existence is officially terminated. It is important to wrap up any remaining business matters and notify relevant parties, such as banks and tax authorities.

Q: Can a Certificate of Cancellation be filed for an LLC that is not in good standing?
A: Yes, a Certificate of Cancellation can be filed for an LLC that is not in good standing, but it is recommended to address any outstanding issues and bring the LLC into good standing before filing the certificate.

Q: Is a Certificate of Cancellation the same as dissolving an LLC?
A: Yes, obtaining a Certificate of Cancellation is part of the process of dissolving an LLC in Delaware. It is the final step in officially terminating the LLC's existence.


Form Details:

  • Released on June 1, 2004;
  • The latest edition currently provided by the Delaware Department of State;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Delaware Department of State.

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