Form JV-457 Twenty-Four-Month Permanency Attachment: Reunification Services Terminated (Welf. & Inst. Code, 366.25) - California

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Form JV-457 Twenty-Four-Month Permanency Attachment: Reunification Services Terminated (Welf. & Inst. Code, 366.25) - California

What Is Form JV-457?

This is a legal form that was released by the California Judicial Branch - a government authority operating within California. As of today, no separate filing guidelines for the form are provided by the issuing department.


Q: What is Form JV-457?
A: Form JV-457 is a legal document used in California related to the termination of reunification services.

Q: What is a Twenty-Four-Month Permanency Attachment?
A: A Twenty-Four-Month Permanency Attachment refers to a specific reason for terminating reunification services under the California Welfare and Institutions Code section 366.25.

Q: What does it mean to terminate Reunification Services?
A: Terminating Reunification Services means that the court has decided to end the services provided to reunify a child with their parent or guardian.

Q: What is the California Welfare and Institutions Code section 366.25?
A: The California Welfare and Institutions Code section 366.25 is a legal provision that outlines the process and conditions for terminating reunification services.

Q: When is Form JV-457 used?
A: Form JV-457 is used when a court decides to terminate reunification services after the completion of a 24-month period.

Q: Who uses Form JV-457?
A: Form JV-457 is typically used by the court system and child welfare agencies in California to document the termination of reunification services.

Q: What happens after Reunification Services are terminated?
A: After Reunification Services are terminated, the court may proceed with other permanency options for the child, such as adoption or legal guardianship.

Q: Are there any other reasons for terminating Reunification Services?
A: Yes, in addition to the Twenty-Four-Month Permanency Attachment, there are other circumstances outlined in the California Welfare and Institutions Code section 366.25 that may warrant termination of reunification services.


Form Details:

  • Released on January 1, 2021;
  • The latest edition provided by the California Judicial Branch;
  • Easy to use and ready to print;
  • Quick to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of Form JV-457 by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the California Judicial Branch.

Download Form JV-457 Twenty-Four-Month Permanency Attachment: Reunification Services Terminated (Welf. & Inst. Code, 366.25) - California

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  • Form JV-457 Twenty-Four-Month Permanency Attachment: Reunification Services Terminated (Welf. & Inst. Code, 366.25) - California


  • Form JV-457 Twenty-Four-Month Permanency Attachment: Reunification Services Terminated (Welf. & Inst. Code, 366.25) - California, Page 2


  • Form JV-457 Twenty-Four-Month Permanency Attachment: Reunification Services Terminated (Welf. & Inst. Code, 366.25) - California, Page 3


  • Form JV-457 Twenty-Four-Month Permanency Attachment: Reunification Services Terminated (Welf.  Inst. Code, 366.25) - California, Page 1
  • Form JV-457 Twenty-Four-Month Permanency Attachment: Reunification Services Terminated (Welf.  Inst. Code, 366.25) - California, Page 2
  • Form JV-457 Twenty-Four-Month Permanency Attachment: Reunification Services Terminated (Welf.  Inst. Code, 366.25) - California, Page 3