College Appeal Letter Template

College Appeal Letter Template

What Is a College Appeal Letter?

A College Appeal Letter is a written statement prepared by the applicant or student who wants to argue the decision made by the college of their choice or the college they currently attend. There are various reasons to compose an Appeal Letter for College:

  • You received a letter that confirms the admissions committee evaluated your application and decided not to offer you a chance to attend this educational institution;
  • You have been suspended and wish to petition the appropriate department of the college for re-admittance;
  • Your request for financial aid or scholarship has been declined but you still require help with educational costs.

You can find a College Appeal Letter template through the link below. Each College Appeal Letter format is unique, and you should write professionally yet with a certain emotion - make your statement personal to generate good feedback from the reader.


How to Write an Appeal Letter for College?

Follow these steps to draft a Letter of Appeal for College:

  1. Find out the correct addressee - you can ask your advisor or mentor which employee or department oversees appeals and requests. It is not a big deal if you send the documentation to the wrong office but in this case, your appeal process may take longer;
  2. Greet the recipient, introduce yourself, and explain what happened in the first paragraph. State whether you agree or disagree with the decision of the college;
  3. If you decide to admit your fault and have no evidence to demonstrate a point of view different from the one the college expressed, it is better to acknowledge your errors and apologize if needed. Confirm the wrongdoing or misconduct you have been accused of and show tangible proof of amending your ways - maybe, you have been attending supplemental courses to improve your grades or you have obtained a recommendation from the advisor who has written a specific educational plan for you;
  4. If you do not think you did anything wrong - for example, your suspension was unfair or your financial standing was not taken into account when the college granted scholarships - you can request the proper department to overturn their decision. In this case, you need to present documentation that proves circumstances beyond your control (you were in the hospital or had to take care of your relative so your grades deteriorated) or attach other bank statements or affidavits that confirm your poor financial situation. It is possible certain evidence was misrepresented - it is your duty now to make sure the college understands the situation correctly. However, do not accuse another individual of any misconduct unless you have hard evidence they were at fault;
  5. Describe the importance of the college to you and demonstrate your willingness to continue education. Promise to attend classes, receive better grades, and do not let down your teachers and mentors who are counting on you;
  6. Thank the recipient of the letter and sign the document. Add your contact details and be prepared to appear in person for an interview.

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