Sample Warning Letter to Employee for Tardiness

Sample Warning Letter to Employee for Tardiness

An Employee Tardiness Warning Letter is a formal notice given or mailed to the employee who has been constantly late to work or did not show up for an important work event. If you are a supervisor and you learned about your subordinate's habit to arrive to work later than required or you work for the human resources department and you have received an informal report about the employee's tardiness, you may compose a warning letter to discipline them.

Alternate Name:

  • Employee Lateness Warning Letter.

A Sample Warning Letter to Employee for Tardiness is available for download below.


How to Write an Employee Tardiness Warning Letter?

Here is how you should reprimand the employee who has been late to work:

  1. Add your name and salute the employee . Prepare this statement for your subordinate or ask the human resources department to present the warning directly to the employee.
  2. Describe the situation at hand - for example, the employee was late to an important business meeting, has been late several days in a row, or failed to return to the workplace on time after their lunch.
  3. Refer to the internal rules of the company and the employment agreement signed by the employee to remind them about their schedule and responsibilities . Confirm you are prepared to take further action if they continue to arrive late at work - they may be fined or even fired, especially if this issue reflects poorly on the business.
  4. Add your contact information and urge the employee to call you if they consider the warning excessive or you have misinterpreted any of the facts presented to you by their colleagues in the event the employee's tardiness was not witnessed by you personally.
  5. Sign and date the document . If you work with the employee, you can simply give them the letter - or mail it via work e-mail.
  6. If this warning letter is the first disciplinary action for the employee, it is up to you to place this document in their personnel file . In case you believe this is the first and last time the employee makes a mistake, you may send them the letter and keep a copy for your own records.

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  • Sample Warning Letter to Employee for Tardiness, Page 2


  • Sample Warning Letter to Employee for Tardiness, Page 1
  • Sample Warning Letter to Employee for Tardiness, Page 2