Catholic Confirmation Letter Template

Catholic Confirmation Letter Template

What Is a Catholic Confirmation Letter?

A Catholic Confirmation Letter is a request by a person undergoing the Confirmation process written to a friend, family member, or mentor within the Catholic Church on their behalf. This letter also acts as a request that the individual addressed be present at the person's confirmation ceremony.

Likewise, a Catholic Confirmation Letter can be written by a confirmandee's loved one or religious mentor, to encourage them to continue their process of receiving the Sacrament.

A printable Catholic Confirmation Letter template can be found through the link below.


How to Write a Catholic Confirmation Letter?

If you are going through your Confirmation process, you will need to request these letters as part of your confirmation process. A Catholic Confirmation letter format for a confirmandee will feature the following:

  1. Your name and address.
  2. Recipient's name and address.
  3. Greetings to the recipient.
  4. A statement detailing which parish you belong to and that you are currently going through your Confirmation process and requesting that the person addressed in the letter attend your Confirmation ceremony and write you a Catholic Confirmation letter.
  5. You can also include information about what you and your mentor have been doing to serve the community or Church during your Confirmation process, that scripture that has a meaningful connection to you, and the dedication you and your family have to the Church. You will want this portion of the letter to be meaningful and exemplify your dedication to your faith during this important chapter of your life.
  6. A closing statement with the date your confirmation will take place and restating that you would greatly appreciate their support and attendance.
  7. A thankful salutation, your name, and signature.

If you are asked to write a Catholic Confirmation letter on behalf of a confirmandee, you will want to include the following:

  • Your name and address;
  • The confirmandee's name and address;
  • Greetings to the confirmandee;
  • An opening statement congratulating the person on this momentous point in their dedication to the Church and why the Confirmation is so important. You can also include verses from the Bible or Catechism that hold important meaning to you or this time of the confirmandee's life. You will want this letter to encourage the recipient to continue with the Confirmation process and feel pride in being Catholic, while also sharing your own advice as their elder;
  • Close with a confirmation that you will be attending their Confirmation ceremony and any additional statement of support;
  • Your name and signature.

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