Application to Vote by Post - United Kingdom

Application to Vote by Post - United Kingdom

What Is an Application to Vote by Post?

The Application to Vote by Post is a legal document that allows registered voters to participate in an election by mail if they do not want to come to a polling station or cannot do so at the appropriate time. You are not obliged to provide an explanation for your decision to vote by post. Generally, voters who file this application know they will not be near their home on the date of the vote or they are living abroad and wish to vote in England, Wales, or Scotland. Whether you are planning to vote by mail in all upcoming elections or this is required for one occasion only, this application is the document you have to prepare. It is possible to submit this form weeks and months in advance and be ready to vote in the most convenient way.

Alternate Name:

  • Postal Vote Application Form.

The Postal Vote Application Form was released by the United Kingdom Cabinet Office and the latest version of the document can be downloaded through the link below.


Where Can I Get a Postal Vote Application Form?

This form was created for English-speaking voters. Additionally, the Cabinet Office has released a Welsh version of this document: the Postal Vote Application Form in Welsh can be found through this link. These documents are to be used in England, Scotland, and Wales only - do not submit this form if your election takes place in Northern Ireland.

How to Fill Out an Application Form to Vote by Post?

  1. Start with your personal details and contact information. State your full legal name, the address where you are registered to take part in an election, telephone number, and email address. While only the address is required by the application, it will be easier for the electoral office to reach out to you via telephone or email, so add this information to your application.
  2. Tick the box to confirm your intention to vote by post until you inform the electoral office about changing your mind. Alternatively, you may select the option to obtain a postal vote for a particular election. In this case, indicate the date of the election or the expected time of the voting.
  3. If you want to record a mailing address that differs from the address you have used for the electoral registration, you are permitted to do so. This is crucial - otherwise, you will not be able to receive the ballot on time and your attempt to vote by post will be futile. You have to clarify why the ballot is to be mailed to an alternative address. There is no obligation to write down an address in the United Kingdom - if you live in a foreign country, record your actual address. In this case, it is highly recommended to deal with the application in advance to avoid any delays. If you have relocated and you have a new residential address, do not forget to obtain another registration to be able to vote.
  4. Certify the statements you have added to the application are complete and correct. Falsification of information might lead to a criminal conviction.
  5. Write your birthdate in the appropriate box and sign the document - do not cross the grey border so that the form remains valid. Finish the application by entering the actual date you have completed the form.

Where Do I Send My Postal Vote Application?

Once the Application for a Postal Vote is prepared, mail it to the electoral registration office closest to your residential address. You are not permitted to submit Postal Vote Application Forms to the Electoral Commission. To take part in an election, you must be properly registered to vote prior to making an application. To learn when the ballot is to be issued, reach out to the office that handles the election in question directly.

Note that the Postal Vote Application deadline is eleven days ahead of the election day. If you have a chronic or temporary medical problem that prevents you from voting, you are traveling or residing abroad, or you cannot appear to vote due to having work obligations or military service, exercise your voting rights with the help of a representative - another individual can vote in your name if they come to your polling station.

If you chose to vote by post yet it is too late to mail the ballot, consider bringing it to the polling place on polling day if it is an option for you.

Download Application to Vote by Post - United Kingdom

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