Form SD502, Application to Leave the NHS Pension Scheme , is used when individuals would like to opt out of the United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS) Pension Scheme. The purpose of the document is to give individuals the opportunity to give up their right to receive benefits (pension) from the NHS after they have retired.
Alternate Names:
The form was last revised on December 1, 2019 . A fillable Pension Opt-Out Form is available for download through the link below.
If the individual wants to opt out of their pension savings, they might be eligible for a refund of their contributions. They can use Form RF12, Application for a Refund of Pension Contributions, to apply for a refund. To find out if they are eligible and how to do it they can visit the official website of the NHS Business Services Authority. Here they can also find information about transferring their pension benefits to another provider (another United Kingdom pension scheme).
Form SD502 starts with a set of guidelines that contain a wide range of information that can help the individual learn more about the process of opting out of claiming their pension savings. The first part is supposed to be completed and includes the following sections:
After the individual has filled in the first part of the application they must keep a copy of it and send it along with the second part of the application to their employer's Payroll Department. They are supposed to fill in the second part, which consists of several sections, namely:
When the form is completed, the employer must pass the details to the NHS Pensions. This can be done in one of two ways. If the employer uses Electronic Staff Record (ESR), they can process the details on ESR and retain Form SD502. If the employer does not use ESR, they can send Form SD502 to NHS Pensions at PO Box 2269, Bolton, BL6 9JS.