Additional a.u.m. Grazing Application / Permit - Arizona

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Additional a.u.m. Grazing Application / Permit - Arizona

Additional a.u.m. Grazing Application/Permit is a legal document that was released by the Arizona State Land Department - a government authority operating within Arizona.


Q: What is an A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit?
A: An A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit is a permit issued by the Arizona government that allows individuals or organizations to graze livestock on public lands.

Q: What does A.U.M. stand for in A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit?
A: A.U.M. stands for Animal Unit Month, which is a standardized measurement used to determine how many livestock can be grazed on a specific area of land for a one-month period.

Q: Who needs to apply for an A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit?
A: Anyone who wants to graze livestock on public lands in Arizona needs to apply for an A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit.

Q: How can I apply for an A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit in Arizona?
A: Applications for an A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit can be submitted to the appropriate agency or department responsible for managing the public lands where grazing is desired.

Q: Are there any fees associated with an A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit?
A: Yes, there are usually fees associated with an A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit in Arizona. The specific fees may vary depending on the number of A.U.M.s requested and the location of the grazing area.

Q: What are the benefits of getting an A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit?
A: Getting an A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit allows individuals or organizations to legally graze their livestock on public lands, providing them with access to additional grazing resources and potentially reducing the costs of maintaining their livestock.

Q: Can I graze my livestock on public lands without an A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit?
A: No, it is illegal to graze livestock on public lands in Arizona without an A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit. Violating this requirement can result in penalties and fines.

Q: How long is an A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit valid for?
A: The validity period of an A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit can vary. It is typically issued for a specific grazing season and may need to be renewed annually.

Q: Are there any restrictions or regulations associated with an A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit?
A: Yes, there are usually restrictions and regulations associated with an A.U.M. Grazing Application/Permit. These may include specific grazing areas, seasonal limitations, and other management requirements to ensure sustainable grazing practices.


Form Details:

  • Released on April 1, 2018;
  • The latest edition currently provided by the Arizona State Land Department;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a printable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Arizona State Land Department.

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