Bid Proposal Template

Bid Proposal Template

What Is a Bid Proposal?

A Bid Proposal is a document that is used by an individual or an entity (a bidder or a contractor) when they participate in the bidding process. The purpose of the document is to provide all of the data about a bidder's goods or services to the client with the intention to offer the best conditions for a deal. The proposal summarizes important information in order to encourage the client to choose the bidder and hire them.

Alternate Name:

  • Bid Proposal Letter.

Generally, the document is submitted as a response to a Request for a Bid Proposal (or to an Invitation to Bid). After receiving Bid Proposals from all bidders, the client is supposed to analyze them and choose the one which they will find the most suitable. When making their decision, the client usually pays attention to the most important aspects stated in the document, which can be the price, the time period that the work will take, and the qualifications and experience of the bidder.

A printable Bid Proposal template can be downloaded through the link below.


How to Write a Bid Proposal?

An effective Bid Proposal is supposed to help the bidder win the bidding process. Before writing one, the bidder should thoroughly re-read the original Request for Bid Proposal and realize what the client would like to see there. A standard Bid Proposal form can include parts such as:

  1. Introduction . The proposal should start with a title. It will help to state the nature of the document and avoid any misunderstanding. Some companies put their logo on the proposal as well make it more unique and memorable, which may help during the bidding process.
  2. Information About the Bidder . The bidder should state information about their company, such as their name and location, their work experience, the projects they have participated in, etc. This part of the document can be used by the bidder to provide data about their skills and qualifications in order to convince the client that they are trustworthy, proficient worthy of being chosen;
  3. Bidder's Conditions . In this part of the proposal, the bidder is supposed to describe their offer. Depending on what is required by the Request for a Bid Proposal, whether its production of certain goods, providing services, etc., the bidder can provide information about their conditions, time period, price, and other important aspects that can influence the client's decision. Generally, the request states what kind of information the client would like to receive from the bidder, so that should not be ignored. The client might ignore the proposals that do not contain the required information;
  4. The Budget . Usually, the budgeting of the project is a very important part that contains a lot of information. That is why it should be divided into a fully separate part dedicated to the budgeting of the project;
  5. Contact Information . Bidders should provide their contact information in case the client will have any questions or would like to get in touch with the bidder. It should include their full address, telephone number, fax, and email. The bidder should also provide the name of the person responsible for contacting the client;
  6. Conclusion . In the end, the bidder should politely thank the client for their time, express their hopes to work together in the future, and hear from them soon.

Bid Proposal Letter Sample

A Sample Bid Proposal Letter can be found below. Feel free to adapt it to your specific proposal:

[Client name]

[Address of client]

[Client contact phone number]

[Contact email address of client]

[Your name]

[Your address for official correspondence]

[Your business telephone number]

[Your work email address]

Subject Title : [insert a short title for the project]

Brief project summary : [this section needs to outline all of the details of project and must focus on how the experience of the company will be utilized to successfully complete the project]

  • [below this, you should include a comprehensive list of the various tasks that need to be completed before the project is considered finished]

Approximate initial financial costs : [here you should include the approximate costs involved in completing the project. If there are some variables that could change, depending on different factors, then this information should also be included in this section so that the client doesn't raise any questions]

Main conditions : [this section should outline the planned course of action for the project, from start to finish. It should also take into account any factors that would differ from the proposal. What could change and how this will affect the project should be outlined in detail to avoid disputes further down the line with a client]

Timetable for project completion : [here a step by step guide, with specific deadlines for each task should be drafted. It may be a better idea to first discuss these with your client to make sure you reach a mutual agreement. If you haven't reached a specific agreement with your client, you can just simply include the anticipated start and end date of the project]

Signatures : [ensure that you have left enough space for you and the client to sign and date the document]

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