Performance Contract Template

Performance Contract Template

What Is a Performance Contract?

If you or your business is interested in hiring an artist or entertainer to perform at an upcoming event, you will need to create a Performance Contract . This document will detail all aspects of the event in full, an agreement of services that will be provided by the entertainer, and any needs of the entertainer that will need to be met by the client or venue owner.

Alternate Name:

  • Performance Agreement.

It is a good idea to have a Performance Agreement template that can be easily modified and still contain the basic features necessary for your purposes as either an individual or a business. You can download a printable Performance Contract template through the link below or customize your own document with our online form builder.


How to Write a Performance Contract?

To begin writing a sample Performance Agreement, you will want to include the following details:

  1. An introductory statement listing you (the client) and the name or group performing (the entertainer(s)) are entering into a Performance Contract for the date of the event.
  2. The period of time the entertainer will be expected to provide services. If the performance will only be for a few hours, you will want to list both the date of the event and the time length the entertainer will be expected to perform. If the event will be more than one day, you will need to include what time they are expected to perform each day and for how long.
  3. Description of what the entertainer will be doing for their performance and expected arrival time prior to the performance. If a stage is necessary, a detailed description of the lighting, sound, and any special effects will need to be included. You may also want to include a rehearsal time scheduled before the event to ensure that everything will be working properly when the event begins and to make sure the entertainer has all the equipment they will need.
  4. The entertainer may also expect a dressing area where they will be able to get ready, take breaks, and be out of view of the audience before the performance begins.
  5. An agreed-upon payment amount, including any taxes or fees. You can also include any additional forms of compensation in this area (such as meals, gift bags, etc).
  6. A cancellation agreement between you and the entertainer, including assurance that the payment for the event will be made in full should you as the client decide to cancel the event on short notice. The entertainer also agrees to perform at the event so long as you agree to uphold your end of the agreement.
  7. A termination statement that the agreement will expire once the performance has been completed and payment has been received.
  8. A clause should any disputes arise between you and the client, and that both parties agree to seek a good-faith negotiation before seeking arbitration.
  9. Notice that any amendments must be agreed upon by both parties before they are added to the agreement.
  10. Final signature and date section for the client, entertainer, and owner of the venue (if different than the client).

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