Form LIC995C Family Child Care Home Addendum to Notification of Parents' Rights (Regarding Reinstatement) - California

Form LIC995C Family Child Care Home Addendum to Notification of Parents' Rights (Regarding Reinstatement) - California

What Is Form LIC995C?

This is a legal form that was released by the California Department of Social Services - a government authority operating within California. As of today, no separate filing guidelines for the form are provided by the issuing department.


Q: What is LIC995C?
A: LIC995C is the Family Child Care Home Addendum to Notification of Parents' Rights (Regarding Reinstatement) form in California.

Q: What is the purpose of LIC995C?
A: The purpose of LIC995C is to inform parents about their rights regarding reinstatement in a family child care home.

Q: Who is required to provide LIC995C?
A: Family child care home operators are required to provide LIC995C to parents or guardians.

Q: What does LIC995C cover?
A: LIC995C covers information related to the reinstatement process for parents in a family child care home.

Q: Is LIC995C specific to California?
A: Yes, LIC995C is specific to California and is not applicable in other states.

Q: Can parents refuse to receive LIC995C?
A: Parents have the right to refuse to receive LIC995C, but the operator must document the refusal.

Q: What should parents do if they have questions about LIC995C?
A: Parents should contact the family child care home operator or the licensing agency for clarification.

Q: Is LIC995C legally binding?
A: LIC995C itself is not legally binding, but it provides important information about parents' rights.

Q: Is LIC995C available in languages other than English?
A: LIC995C may be available in languages other than English based on the needs of the parents and the licensing agency.

Q: Are there any fees associated with LIC995C?
A: No, there are no fees associated with LIC995C.

Q: Can a family child care home operator modify LIC995C?
A: No, a family child care home operator is not allowed to modify the content of LIC995C.

Q: Can parents request additional copies of LIC995C?
A: Yes, parents can request additional copies of LIC995C from the family child care home operator.

Q: Are there any deadlines for providing LIC995C?
A: Yes, LIC995C must be provided to parents or guardians at the time of enrollment or upon request.

Q: What happens if a family child care home operator fails to provide LIC995C?
A: Failure to provide LIC995C may result in penalties or disciplinary action by the licensing agency.

Q: Can parents revoke their consent for reinstatement?
A: Yes, parents have the right to revoke their consent for reinstatement by notifying the family child care home operator in writing.

Q: What should parents do if they believe their rights have been violated?
A: Parents should contact the licensing agency to report any violations of their rights.

Q: Is LIC995C accompanied by any other forms?
A: No, LIC995C is a standalone form and is not accompanied by any other specific forms.

Q: Is the information provided on LIC995C confidential?
A: Yes, the information provided on LIC995C is confidential and should only be used for the purpose of informing parents about their rights.

Q: Are family child care home operators required to keep records of LIC995C?
A: Yes, family child care home operators are required to keep records of LIC995C, including documentation of parent refusals.

Q: What should parents do if they no longer receive LIC995C?
A: Parents should notify the family child care home operator or the licensing agency if they no longer receive LIC995C.

Q: What rights do parents have regarding reinstatement?
A: Parents have the right to be informed about their reinstatement rights, request reinstatement, and revoke their consent for reinstatement.

Q: Can parents file a complaint regarding LIC995C?
A: Yes, parents can file a complaint regarding LIC995C if they believe their rights have been violated or if they have concerns about the information provided.

Q: Can parents request a copy of LIC995C in an alternative format?
A: Yes, parents can request a copy of LIC995C in an alternative format if they have visual or accessibility needs.

Q: Can family child care home operators provide additional information along with LIC995C?
A: Yes, family child care home operators can provide additional information that is relevant to parents' reinstatement rights.

Q: Are there any specific requirements for the format of LIC995C?
A: LIC995C must be written in clear and understandable language, using a font size that is easy to read.

Q: Can family child care home operators charge a fee for providing LIC995C?
A: No, family child care home operators cannot charge a fee for providing LIC995C.

Q: Is LIC995C only applicable to licensed family child care homes?
A: Yes, LIC995C is only applicable to licensed family child care homes in California.

Q: What should parents do if they are not satisfied with the information provided on LIC995C?
A: Parents should contact the licensing agency to address their concerns and seek further information or assistance.

Q: Are family child care home operators required to display LIC995C?
A: No, family child care home operators are not required to display LIC995C, but it must be provided to parents or guardians.

Q: Can family child care home operators provide LIC995C electronically?
A: Yes, family child care home operators can provide LIC995C electronically if the parent or guardian agrees to receive it in that format.

Q: Can parents refuse to consent to reinstatement?
A: Yes, parents have the right to refuse to consent to reinstatement in a family child care home.

Q: Are there any exemptions to providing LIC995C?
A: No, all family child care home operators are required to provide LIC995C to parents or guardians.

Q: What should parents do if they lose their copy of LIC995C?
A: Parents should contact the family child care home operator to request a new copy of LIC995C.

Q: Is there a specific age range for children in family child care homes?
A: The age range of children in family child care homes may vary, but it generally includes infants through school-age children.

Q: What constitutes a family child care home?
A: A family child care home is a home-based child care facility that provides care for a small group of children.

Q: Can family child care home operators provide additional documents along with LIC995C?
A: Yes, family child care home operators can provide additional documents that are relevant to parents' reinstatement rights.

Q: Can parents request an explanation of terms used in LIC995C?
A: Yes, parents can request an explanation of any terms or language used in LIC995C that they do not understand.

Q: Can parents opt out of receiving LIC995C?
A: Parents have the right to opt out of receiving LIC995C, but the operator must document their decision.

Q: Are there any language requirements for LIC995C?
A: LIC995C should be provided to parents or guardians in a language they understand, if feasible.

Q: Can family child care home operators charge for providing additional copies of LIC995C?
A: No, family child care home operators cannot charge for providing additional copies of LIC995C.

Q: Can parents request a copy of LIC995C in Braille?
A: Yes, parents can request a copy of LIC995C in Braille if they have visual impairments that require this format.

Q: Can family child care home operators provide a summary of LIC995C?
A: Yes, family child care home operators can provide a summary of LIC995C to help parents understand the key points.

Q: Can parents request an interpreter to explain LIC995C?
A: Yes, parents can request an interpreter to explain LIC995C if they have limited English proficiency.

Q: Can family child care home operators add their own policies to LIC995C?
A: No, family child care home operators cannot add their own policies to LIC995C.

Q: Can family child care home operators fill out LIC995C on behalf of parents?
A: No, parents or guardians must fill out LIC995C themselves.

Q: What should parents do if they need assistance in completing LIC995C?
A: Parents should seek assistance from the family child care home operator or the licensing agency in completing LIC995C.

Q: Are there any penalties for not providing LIC995C?
A: Yes, failure to provide LIC995C may result in penalties or disciplinary action by the licensing agency.

Q: Can parents request a copy of LIC995C in a different font size?
A: Yes, parents can request a copy of LIC995C in a different font size if they have visual impairments that require larger text.

Q: Can family child care home operators modify the format of LIC995C?
A: No, family child care home operators cannot modify the format of LIC995C.

Q: Can parents request a copy of LIC995C in large print?
A: Yes, parents can request a copy of LIC995C in large print if they have visual impairments that require this format.

Q: Can family child care home operators charge a fee for translating LIC995C?
A: No, family child care home operators cannot charge a fee for translating LIC995C.

Q: Can parents request a copy of LIC995C in audio format?
A: Yes, parents can request a copy of LIC995C in audio format if they have visual impairments that require this format.

Q: Can family child care home operators charge for providing translations of LIC995C?
A: No, family child care home operators cannot charge for providing translations of LIC995C.

Q: Can parents request assistance in understanding LIC995C?
A: Yes, parents can request assistance from the family child care home operator or the licensing agency in understanding LIC995C.

Q: Can family child care home operators charge a fee for converting LIC995C to alternative formats?
A: No, family child care home operators cannot charge a fee for converting LIC995C to alternative formats.

Q: Can parents request a copy of LIC995C in Spanish?
A: Yes, parents can request a copy of LIC995C in Spanish or other languages if they have limited English proficiency.

Q: Can family child care home operators charge for providing assistance in completing LIC995C?
A: No, family child care home operators cannot charge for providing assistance in completing LIC995C.

Q: Can parents request a copy of LIC995C in a different language?
A: Yes, parents can request a copy of LIC995C in a language they understand if they have limited English proficiency.

Q: Can family child care home operators charge for providing alternative formats of LIC995C?
A: No, family child care home operators cannot charge for providing alternative formats of LIC995C.

Q: Can family child care home operators charge a fee for assistance in completing LIC995C?
A: No, family child care home operators cannot charge a fee for assistance in completing LIC995C.

Q: Can family child care home operators charge a fee for providing alternative languages of LIC995C?
A: No, family child care home operators cannot charge a fee for providing alternative languages of LIC995C.


Form Details:

  • Released on August 1, 2008;
  • The latest edition provided by the California Department of Social Services;
  • Easy to use and ready to print;
  • Quick to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of Form LIC995C by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the California Department of Social Services.

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