U.s.a. Suicide: 2013 Official Final Data - American Association of Suicidology

U.s.a. Suicide: 2013 Official Final Data - American Association of Suicidology

The document "U.S.A. Suicide: 2013 Official Final Data - American Association of Suicidology" provides comprehensive information and statistics about suicide in the United States for the year 2013. It is a resource for understanding and analyzing suicide rates, trends, and related data in the country.

The U.S.A. Suicide: 2013 Official Final Data is a report published by the American Association of Suicidology. It is not filed by a specific entity or organization.


Q: What is the American Association of Suicidology?
A: The American Association of Suicidology is an organization that focuses on the study and prevention of suicide.

Q: What does the document 'U.S.A. Suicide: 2013 Official Final Data' contain?
A: The document contains official final data on suicide in the USA for the year 2013.

Q: Why is suicide data important?
A: Suicide data provides valuable insights into the prevalence and patterns of suicide in the country, helping in the development of effective prevention strategies.

Q: What year does the document focus on?
A: The document focuses on the year 2013.


Download U.s.a. Suicide: 2013 Official Final Data - American Association of Suicidology

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  • U.s.a. Suicide: 2013 Official Final Data - American Association of Suicidology


  • U.s.a. Suicide: 2013 Official Final Data - American Association of Suicidology, Page 2


  • 2013 Official Final Data - American Association of Suicidology
  • U.s.a. Suicide: 2013 Official Final Data - American Association of Suicidology, Page 2