Sample Sponsorship Request Letter

Sample Sponsorship Request Letter

When you want to ask a person or organization to donate their services or financial assistance to your organization, you will first want to write a Sponsorship Request Letter . This letter will help you reach out to these businesses in a professional manner that highlights your goals for the event. A sample Sponsorship Request Letter can be found through the link below.

To write a Sponsorship Letter, you will want to include the following:

  1. Your organization's letterhead and an opening salutation.
  2. The current date, your full name, and job title.
  3. Begin by talking about the upcoming event you will be having for your organization, the goal you are hoping to reach with this event, and that you are requesting this individual's or company's sponsorship to help make the event a success.
  4. Explain in further detail how their support will help your organization and why you are depending on sponsorship (for example, you work for a public school district with limited funding), and how the funds will benefit your community. Offer the reader positive press in exchange for their support.
  5. Close by thanking the reader for their assistance and how they can contact you for questions and give their support.
  6. Closing salutations and your signature.

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  • Sample Sponsorship Request Letter, Page 2