Sample Demand Letter for Payment

Sample Demand Letter for Payment

What Is a Demand Letter for Payment?

A Demand Letter for Payment is a written final request for money that is owed by a debtor. The demand is concise, firm, and clear. The Demand for Payment Letter typically includes a deadline for the money to be paid and an incentive for making the payment on time. This incentive can be positive or negative. For example, a positive incentive is a discount and a negative incentive is a threat to send the payment to collections or take the matter to court. The purpose of the incentive is to motivate the debtor to settle their debt.

A sample Demand Letter for Payment can be downloaded below.

Though there are many reasons why writing a Demand Letter for Payment is necessary, all letters require attention to detail, professionalism, and thoroughness.


How to Write a Demand for Payment Letter?

  1. Gather all evidence and any supporting documents . Documentation is to be paired with the Demand Letter for Payment to show the debtor why they owe the amount being requested. This can include signed contracts, receipts of services or goods received, invoices, written communication, or any other document that proves money is owed. If applicable, including a detailed itemized bill can help provide professionalism and clarity.

  2. Write the letter . When writing a strong Demand Letter, be thoughtful about your tone, attentiveness to detail, and thoroughness. You want the letter to be clear, concise, and professional but firm so that the recipient knows you are serious. Parts of the letter:

    • A header including the debtor's name and address;
    • The date the letter is considered active ex: October 1, 2021;
    • A clearly stated amount that is owed and why, your expectations for the payment of funds (when, where, and how), as well as actions that will be taken if funds are not paid or a response is not received;
    • Give the recipient an appropriate amount of time to settle their debt or respond to your letter. Thirty days is an acceptable length of time;
    • Sign the letter and include your contact information.
  3. Send your letter . Take advantage of your local postal service's "return receipt" option. This means that you, the sender, will receive a log stating when the letter was delivered as well as the recipient's signature confirming they accepted the letter.

    • If the debtor does not settle their debt and you would like to take legal action, this is great evidence that the debtor was aware of their debt, had ample time to settle it, and did not.
  4. Take Legal Action .

    • If the debt was settled, great! Be sure to file your documents and receipt of payment;
    • If you received no response from the debtor or did not receive funds, stick to your guns and do what you said you would in your letter. Whether you plan to forward the debt to a collection's agency or take the debtor to court, you have all the materials to make a solid case.

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