Employee Suggestion Form

Employee Suggestion Form

What Is an Employee Suggestion Form?

An Employee Suggestion Form is a document filled out by employees who offer their ideas for the improvement of the company. This management tool surveys people who work for a certain organization and finds out their opinion on how to innovate the workplace making it more suitable for employees' needs and for the development of the company itself.

A proper suggestion form will ask individuals about their personal concerns and request tips that will create a better environment for productivity. If you are looking for an Employee Suggestion Form template you can download it below.


How to Make an Employee Suggestion Form?

Just like an Employee Satisfaction Survey, an Employee Suggestion Form collects basic information about employee's experience within the company and their ideas on how to improve the workplace. You can simply list various items - salary, benefits, work environment, supervision, training, job conditions - and ask employees to give their assessment of each of those components. However, if you want more insight into employee suggestions to boost the performance of your company, you should include the following details in the Employee Suggestion Form:

  1. Employee's Name, Job Title, and Department . The employee should also date the form before it is submitted. Sometimes, human resources departments distribute anonymous forms - employees may be more willing to share their concerns if they can do it without revealing their names, especially if the situation involves personal conflict.
  2. Concern . There must be a short description of the issue the employee encountered or a simple proposition that would tell the employer how to improve the workplace and the job of this particular employee and their colleagues. This section requires an explanation of how the problem or the existing status quo influences the company - it is possible that the labor or materials are misused, the organization is losing revenue, or its work is inefficient.
  3. List of Resources Needed to Fix the Problem . The employee may write down estimates of capital, labor, materials, and equipment needed to address the concern.
  4. Benefit to the Company and its Employees . If the employee has ideas about how the organization benefits from the indicated improvement, it is necessary to outline the exact steps needed and employees who should be assigned the duty to accomplish the suggestion. Additionally, it is recommended to anticipate the financial gain of the company and state it in the appropriate field.
  5. Signature of the Employee .

Once this form is completed, employees are welcome to put them in the employee suggestion box. You can take any box and print "SUGGESTIONS" on its side. Check the box once a week or two weeks and see whether you received feedback from your employees.

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