Form 06D Referral of Environmental Authority Objections - Queensland, Australia

Form 06D Referral of Environmental Authority Objections - Queensland, Australia

Form 06D Referral of Environmental Authority Objections is used in Queensland, Australia for the purpose of lodging objections to proposed environmental authorities. This form allows individuals, groups, or organizations to formally express concerns or raise objections related to the granting of environmental authority. It is a means to ensure that public opinions and objections are considered before finalizing decisions related to environmental permits or licenses.

The Form 06D Referral of Environmental Authority Objections in Queensland, Australia is typically filed by individuals or organizations who have objections or concerns regarding an environmental authority. This form allows them to formally register their objections and submit them for review.


Q: What is a Form 06D Referral of Environmental Authority Objections?
A: A Form 06D Referral of Environmental Authority Objections is a document used in Queensland, Australia.

Q: What is the purpose of a Form 06D Referral of Environmental Authority Objections?
A: The purpose of a Form 06D Referral of Environmental Authority Objections is to formally refer objections to an environmental authority application to the Land Court for assessment and determination.

Q: Who uses a Form 06D Referral of Environmental Authority Objections?
A: Any person or group who objects to an environmental authority application in Queensland can use a Form 06D to refer their objections to the Land Court.

Q: How do I fill out a Form 06D Referral of Environmental Authority Objections?
A: To fill out a Form 06D Referral of Environmental Authority Objections, you need to provide details about the environmental authority application, the grounds of your objection, and any supporting documents or evidence.

Q: What happens after I submit a Form 06D Referral of Environmental Authority Objections?
A: After you submit a Form 06D Referral of Environmental Authority Objections, the Land Court will assess your objections and make a determination.


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