Form IMM5710 Application to Change Conditions, Extend My Stay or Remain in Canada as a Worker - Canada

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Form IMM5710 Application to Change Conditions, Extend My Stay or Remain in Canada as a Worker - Canada

What Is Form IMM 5710?

Form IMM 5710, Application to Change Conditions, Extend My Stay, or Remain in Canada as a Worker , is a document that can be used by individuals who want to apply for a work permit with the same employer, restore their status as a worker, apply for a work permit for the first time (or with a new employer), or get a new temporary resident permit.

This form was issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and was last revised on June 1, 2019 . It is supposed to be submitted online on the official website of the Government of Canada, however, in some cases, it is allowed to submit it by paper. A fillable IMM 5710 PDF is available for download through the link below.


How to Fill Out Form IMM 5710?

  1. Introduction. In the first part of the application, the individual can choose the language (English or French) they wish to correspond in and state the purpose of the application.
  2. Personal Details. Individuals can use this section of the document to designate their full name, gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, current country of residence, and other personal information. They are also required to provide information about their spouse and information about their previous marriages (if applicable).
  3. Language(s). Here the individual can state their native language, specify if they are able to speak English or French, and which language from those two is the easiest for them to speak. The Individual can also state whether they have taken a test to assess their proficiency in English or French.
  4. Passport. This part of the form requires the individual to indicate their passport number, country of issue, date of issue, and its expiration date.
  5. National Identity Document. If the individual has a national identity document, they are supposed to state its number, country of issue, date of issue, and its expiration date in this part of the application.
  6. U.S. Permanent Resident (PR) Card. This section can be filled in if the applying individual is a lawful permanent resident of the U.S.
  7. Contact Information. The individual can use this part of the document to designate their current mailing address, residential address, telephone number, fax number, and email address.
  8. Coming Into Canada. This section requires the individual to fully describe their visit to Canada.
  9. Details of Intended Work In Canada. Here, the individual can depict their employment situation.
  10. Education. Individuals are supposed to use this part of the application to describe what kind of education they have, where they graduated from, and other details in connection with it.
  11. Employment. In this part, the individual is required to provide details about their employment for the past ten years.
  12. Background Information. If the individual is 18 years older, they are supposed to answer questions from this section. It includes questions about their health, military service, criminal offense, etc.
  13. Signature. At the end of the document, the individual is supposed to put their signature, full name, and date.

According to the IMM 5710 document checklist, there are a few things that should be attached to the completed application. They include photocopies of passport pages, proof of payment, photocopy of the individual's current immigration documents, and other documents. The exact list of attachments will depend on the situation of the applying individual.

Download Form IMM5710 Application to Change Conditions, Extend My Stay or Remain in Canada as a Worker - Canada

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