Form CIT0407 How to Calculate Physical Presence - Canada

Form CIT0407 How to Calculate Physical Presence - Canada

Form CIT0407 is used to calculate physical presence in Canada for the purpose of determining eligibility for various immigration programs and benefits, such as Canadian citizenship. It helps individuals track the number of days they have been physically present in Canada during a specific time period.

The individual who is applying for the Canadian citizenship would file Form CIT0407 - How to Calculate Physical Presence.


Q: What is CIT0407?
A: CIT0407 is a form used to calculate physical presence in Canada.

Q: What is physical presence?
A: Physical presence refers to the number of days a person has spent in Canada.

Q: Why is physical presence important?
A: Physical presence is important for determining eligibility for certain benefits and immigration purposes.

Q: How does one calculate physical presence?
A: Physical presence is calculated by counting the number of days spent in Canada.

Q: Are all days spent in Canada considered for physical presence calculation?
A: No, only specific types of days are considered for physical presence calculation.

Q: What types of days are considered for physical presence calculation?
A: Days spent in Canada as a permanent resident, a temporary resident, or certain protected persons are considered for physical presence calculation.

Q: Are there any exceptions to the physical presence calculation?
A: Yes, there are exceptions for certain individuals, such as members of the Canadian Armed Forces.


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