Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration - Canada (English / French)

Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration - Canada (English / French)

Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration is used in Canada by ships entering Canadian waters. It is used to declare goods and stores on board the ship, such as food, fuel, and equipment. The form is used to comply with Canadian customs and immigration regulations.

The form E1 Ships Stores Declaration in Canada (English/French) is typically filed by the ship's master or authorized representative.


Q: What is a Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration?
A: Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration is a document used in Canada to declare goods brought on board a ship for use during its voyage.

Q: Why is the Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration important?
A: The Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration is important because it allows Canadian authorities to monitor and regulate the goods brought on board ships, ensuring compliance with customs and immigration regulations.

Q: Who needs to fill out the Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration?
A: The captain or authorized agent of a ship entering a Canadian port needs to fill out the Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration.

Q: Can the Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration be completed in both English and French?
A: Yes, the Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration can be completed in both English and French.

Q: What information is required on the Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration?
A: The Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration requires information such as the ship's name, voyage details, detailed list of stores, quantities, and values of the goods being declared.

Q: Is there a deadline for submitting the Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration?
A: The Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration should be submitted at least 96 hours before the ship's arrival in a Canadian port.

Q: Can I make changes to the Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration after it has been submitted?
A: Yes, changes can be made to the Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration, but they must be reported to Canadian customs authorities before the ship arrives in the port.

Q: What are the consequences of not submitting the Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration?
A: Failure to submit the Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration or providing false or misleading information can result in penalties or legal consequences.

Q: Are there any fees associated with submitting the Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration?
A: There are no specific fees associated with submitting the Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration, but some charges or duties may apply to the goods declared.


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  • Form E1 Ships Stores Declaration - Canada (English / French), Page 2