Instructions for Form CIV901 Exhibit List and List of Supporting Documents (Civil Cases) - Minnesota

Instructions for Form CIV901 Exhibit List and List of Supporting Documents (Civil Cases) - Minnesota

This document contains official instructions for Form CIV901 , Exhibit List and List of Supporting Documents (Civil Cases) - a form released and collected by the Minnesota Judicial Branch.


Q: What is Form CIV901?
A: Form CIV901 is a document used in civil cases in Minnesota.

Q: What is the purpose of Form CIV901?
A: The purpose of Form CIV901 is to provide a list of exhibits and supporting documents in a civil case.

Q: What information is required in Form CIV901?
A: Form CIV901 requires the title of the case, the court file number, and a detailed list of exhibits and supporting documents.

Q: Do I need to fill out Form CIV901 for every civil case?
A: Yes, Form CIV901 needs to be filled out for each civil case to provide an organized list of exhibits and supporting documents.

Q: What should I include in the detailed list of exhibits and supporting documents?
A: The detailed list should include the exhibit number or document description, the date the exhibit or document was created, and a brief description of its contents.

Q: Can I attach additional pages to Form CIV901 if needed?
A: Yes, additional pages can be attached to Form CIV901 if the space provided is not sufficient to list all the exhibits and supporting documents.

Q: Do I need to serve copies of Form CIV901 to the other parties involved in the case?
A: Yes, copies of Form CIV901 must be served to the other parties involved in the case to provide them with a complete list of exhibits and supporting documents.

Q: Is there a deadline for submitting Form CIV901?
A: The deadline for submitting Form CIV901 is usually set by the court and should be followed to ensure compliance with the procedural rules of the case.

Q: What happens after Form CIV901 is submitted?
A: After Form CIV901 is submitted, the exhibits and supporting documents listed will be used as evidence in the civil case.


Instruction Details:

  • This 4-page document is available for download in PDF;
  • Actual and applicable for the current year;
  • Complete, printable, and free.

Download your copy of the instructions by clicking the link below or browse hundreds of other forms in our library of forms released by the Minnesota Judicial Branch.

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  • Instructions for Form CIV901 Exhibit List and List of Supporting Documents (Civil Cases) - Minnesota


  • Instructions for Form CIV901 Exhibit List and List of Supporting Documents (Civil Cases) - Minnesota, Page 2


  • Instructions for Form CIV901 Exhibit List and List of Supporting Documents (Civil Cases) - Minnesota, Page 3


  • Instructions for Form CIV901 Exhibit List and List of Supporting Documents (Civil Cases) - Minnesota, Page 4


  • Instructions for Form CIV901 Exhibit List and List of Supporting Documents (Civil Cases) - Minnesota, Page 1
  • Instructions for Form CIV901 Exhibit List and List of Supporting Documents (Civil Cases) - Minnesota, Page 2
  • Instructions for Form CIV901 Exhibit List and List of Supporting Documents (Civil Cases) - Minnesota, Page 3
  • Instructions for Form CIV901 Exhibit List and List of Supporting Documents (Civil Cases) - Minnesota, Page 4